Top It Like It’s Hot: Our favorite toppings to upgrade your smoothie bowl
It is hard to scroll through your IG feed and not see a smoothie bowl. And for good reason! We love smoothie bowls, and we want to teach you a few of our topping tricks! Bee Pollen Energize your day with bee pollen! Bee pollen is full of essential nutrients, including a full spectrum of b vitamins. It is even known as the bee’s multi vitamin because of it’s high amounts of nutrients. It also has a full spectrum of essential amino acids, building blocks of protein, which makes pollen a complete protein, and easily absorbed by the body. Bonus? Bee pollen is a great way to create designs on top of your smoothie bowl! Hemp hearts Hemp hearts are full of two essential fatty acids,omega-6 and omega-3. These golden flakes are also a great source of vitamin E and essential minerals like magnesium, sulfur, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, sodium, and zinc. Chia Seeds chia seeds are high in omega-3 fatty acids, a key component in maintaining a healthy heart. These little black seeds are full of essential nutrients as well! Manganese, copper, iron, selenium, and calcium can all be found in chia seed. Tip: Make a chia pudding to layer your smoothie bowl! Just add 2 tablespoons of chia seeds to ½ cup of almond milk. Stir and let sit to allow the seeds to soak up the liquid and turn into a jell! Macadamia Nuts Arguably the healthiest nut, macadamia nuts are the perfect nut to top off your bowl! The macadamia contains flavonoids that help to prevent cell damage by protecting cells from environmental toxins. Macadamia nuts are also a copper-rich food, which helps with the absorption and utilization of iron in the body. These nuts can also help with digestion, due to their enzymatic reactions of the body. Edible Flowers Add some color to your smoothie bowl with these beeutiful flowers! Besides being pretty to look at, edible flowers are also beneficial to our health! For example, dandelion flowers, and other weed flowers, contain vitamin C and A, as well as have high amounts of calcium and iron! You can find them at your local grocery store, or even in your garden! Hibiscus contains antioxidants, and violets are known to contain anti-inflammatory properties! Next time you are in your local health food grocer, or even strolling through your garden, have a look out for some edible flowers to top your smoothie. Frozen berries Berries are great, but frozen berries are even better for smoothie bowls. Not only will they keep your bowl cold, like little ice cubes, but they also add a cool frosted look to your bowl, making it totally ista-gramable. Why berries? Besides their gorgeous colors, berries are also low glycemic, aka low in sugar! They won’t lead to that sugar crash that many other fruits can have on the body.
Now that you have the perfect toppers, it’s time to make some smoothie bowls! Don’t forget to make sure to tag us in your pics too by using the hashtags #beekn and #topitlikeitshot!